Larson Juhl s.r.o. has decided to prove its relationship and responsibility to the quality of products and to ensure forest protection as one of the most important components of the environment.

Therefore, the company has decided to follow the principles of sustainable forest management in its activities and to provide customers with assurance and proof that the wood used comes from sources managed in a sustainable way.

The company has undertaken to implement and maintain a system that meets the PEFC requirements for the chain of custody of forest products in accordance with the document C-o-C. The company undertakes to develop and apply a management system that ensures compliance with the requirements, to carry out regular reviews of the functionality of the C-o-C system, starting with the verification of the origin of the wood raw material and ending with the sale of products to the customer, to continuously monitor the need for resources and to provide them so that the necessary resources for the C-o-C system are met.

Larson Juhl s.r.o. undertakes to comply with the social, health and safety requirements defined in the CFCS 2002 document and declares that:
a) workers are not prevented from freely associating, choosing their representatives and collectively negotiating with their employer,
b) not using forced labour,
c) does not take advantage of workers who have not reached the minimum legal age of 15 or the age of completion of compulsory education,
d) does not deny its workers the same employment opportunities and treatment,
e) working conditions do not endanger safety and health.

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